Mend AppSec Platform:

Mend SCA

End-to-end open source risk management

Mend SCA proactively protects applications by identifying and mitigating open source risks, strengthening your overall security posture.

Proactively tackle open source security and compliance risks

Advanced reachability analysis

Pinpoint vulnerabilities that are truly reachable and exploitable, specific to your application.

Mend SCA employs a unique reachability analysis, showing whether your code interacts with vulnerable functions in both direct and transitive dependencies.

Risk-based prioritization

Leverage comprehensive vulnerability analysis to assess true risks affecting your application. 

Mend SCA utilizes CVSS 4.0 severity ratings to gauge the potential impact of vulnerabilities and incorporates EPSS exploitability data to assess the likelihood each vulnerability will be exploited.

License compliance support

Give your legal team the visibility and control needed to ensure open source components meet organizational standards.

When Mend SCA detects license types that violate company policy, it issues real-time alerts with automatic remediation capabilities and can even block license violations before they become part of your code base. 

Software bill of materials (SBOM)

Mend SCA generates a precise inventory of a software’s open source components, detailing all libraries and dependencies.

You can easily export your SBOM in standardized formats like SPDX and CycloneDX to meet government and customer requirements.

Continuous integration. Continuous security.

Mend SCA lives where your developers work. With broad integration into IDEs, repositories, registries, and CI/CD pipeline, we provide automated risk remediation and policy enforcement that works while you code, build, deploy, and improve your applications.

Explore Mend SCA, part of the Mend AppSec Platform

Mend SCA is a key component of the Mend AppSec Platform’s holistic and proactive approach to application security.

Learn more about how we can help

Proactively manage open source components and dependency risks

Halt malicious packages throughout the SDLC

Increase visibility into software components and vulnerabilities


“One of our most indicative KPIs is the amount of time for us to remediate vulnerabilities and also the amount of time developers spend fixing vulnerabilities in our code base, which has reduced significantly. We’re talking about at least 80% reduction in time.”

Andrei Ungureanu, Security Architect
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Fast, secure, compliant

“When the product you sell is an application you develop, your teams need to be fast, secure and compliant. These three factors often work in opposite directions. Mend provides the opportunity to align these often competing factors, providing Vonage with an advantage in a very competitive marketplace.”

Chris Wallace, Senior Security Architect
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Rapid results

“The biggest value we get out of Mend is the fast feedback loop, which enables our developers to respond rapidly to any vulnerability or license issues. When a vulnerability or a license is disregarded or blocked, and there is a policy violation, they get the feedback directly.”

Markus Leutner, DevOps Engineer for Cloud Solutions
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Recent resources

What is Software Composition Analysis (SCA)?

Learn about Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and how it helps manage open source code to reduce security risks.

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Guide to Open Source Software Security

Discover how Open Source Software Security can help you build a strong security program with visibility and policy compliance.

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Quick Guide to the OWASP OSS Risk Top 10

Learn about the top 10 risks of open source software, beyond just CVEs. From known vulnerabilities to unapproved changes.

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Stop playing defense against alerts.

Start building a proactive AppSec program.